www.fruitsoftheroom.de|www.marielevaillant.com|ABN: 23492152046
Art takes its time to grow. Thinking, fabricating, evolving, accomplishing”
Here even the basic material, the papier-mâché itself, needs to be prepared first! ”
Ned kelly?
in procedure110 cm h
45 cm w
45 cm d
”Do not trust what you see! When night is coming... A splendid locker can transform itself in a light splashing androide!
It might even speek to you!
What might be inside? A mini-bar? A small-sized hifi-unit behaving like a pop star lighting your fire? Light?! Yes light!
Grey mass can be so illuminating!
game ?
in progress135 cm h
45 cm w
55 cm d
Rugby ball, emu egg, mars creature? Well... This three legs locker in its slim sculpture might fit perfectly, squeezed in a room angle to give the doomed space the perfect look attraction. So why not enjoying the pleasure of a “not empty corner... anymore” ?!
Never lose the attitude of a Rubgy player! Engage and ...
Marie-Annick Le Vaillant
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